Bristol Tree Forum have a very helpful Website Trees of Bristol that has some great tools to find out about the Trees and Wildlife in your local park
All the Bristol City postcodes are now available on the Bristol tree forum site so you can search for green space within your postcode area
if you click through to a postcode and select subsites you get a page showing you all the council owned green space managed by parks
here is BS4 with all its subsites as an example
you can then open up a subsite to find out more about it
Finding out more about a Park
to find out about the Trees and Nature in a Park or green Space first open the site section of the Trees of Bristol website marked in green

Next select your site – in this example we will look at victory Park in Brislington and we’ve used the search function to reduce the number of possible sites

Selecting our chosen site Brings up a new page with Site info and some useful tools

Useful Tools
- Information on Trees
- Photo Gallery for the site
- iNaturalist plant records for the site
- All iNaturalist records for the site
1. Information on Trees
this page shows a map of the park and a list of the trees displayed on the map

Selecting the ID (1) will take you to a page for that specific tree (this one is a particularly impressive veteran oak 🙂

Selecting a “Common Name” ( 2) will filter to show you just trees of that species in this case Norway Maples

2. Photo Gallery for the site

3. iNaturalist plant records for the site

4. All iNaturalist records for the site

for allotments you can see a map of allotment sites on the Bristol tree Forum’s tree spaces allotments microsite
the above tools also work for allotments
Finding Parks and Green Spaces in your Postcode Area
One way you can filter parks sites is by postcode at

this will show a summary of the postcode area

1 then click on the sites link to see all the parks and green spaces sites within that postcode click the link for a site to get more detailed info (see the Useful tools Section Above for more info on how this works)

Finding out more about Local Wildlife Groups
if you’d like to do join a postcode based or other wildlife group this page lists all the Facebook Wildlife groups based on postcode our Hedgehog Projects and other interesting groups