Brislington Meadows
Is an SNCI (site of nature conservation interest) and one of Brislington’s best kept secrets sandwiched between School Road and the Trading Estate with Victory Park to the bottom and Broomhill Rd at the top
The meadows have existed as rare grassland with historic Hedgerows since the enclosure of Brislington common in 1778
The Battle to Save Brislington Meadows
Situated on the South East side of Bristol this 9.1 hectare Site of Nature Conservation Interest is under threat of development. Homes England has submitted a planning application for 260 homes.
The meadows have remained undeveloped for hundreds of years providing a wildlife rich habitat in an area of unimproved grassland with ancient hedgerows and veteran trees. The site is particularly noted for the diversity of habitats and species. A recent survey revealed around 67 species of birds and 365 species of invertebrates including 104 butterflies and moths as well as 10 species of bats.
It is a refuge for local residents and wildlife forming a vital green corridor in the area. Wild flower meadows are now one of the rarest habitats in the UK and nothing can compensate for the loss of biodiversity that building on meadows like this will cause. You cannot simply move wildlife elsewhere. For further information we have a Link tree so you can find our links and socials easily. https://linktr.ee/savebrismeadows?
The opposition to the development is strong with over 700 objections received so far.
Update 12 March 2023
Friday Was the last day of the Inquiry to Decide the outline planning permission at Brislington Meadows
The Inspector undertook a site visit with representatives form Homes England the council and us the Rule 6 party to inspect the site and ask questions on details raised in the Inquiry proceedings
He has now retired to consider all the points raised write up his findings and announce his decision
he told us that he expects to release his report by the end of April as soon as we know the outcome we will let you all know here
it’s a very detailed process to give you an idea of what to expect here is a recent Inquiry report where this inspector found against the appeal and refused planning permission
lets all hope that we get the same outcome …..
the inquiry Page has all the documentation and statements made to the inspector which he will be considering in his summing up – theres a huge amount which explains why it takes so long for him to write up his report
Example Appeal report
Help Save Brislington Meadows – the planning application to build 260 Houses on top of our meadows has now gone live on the council’s website – Objections can now be submitted as soon as possible, either online, by email, or By post
Our handy guide here will help you with ideas and guidance for your objection

Make an Objection while there’s still time !!
Online: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ type in 3308537 and hit Submit Search

you are Writing an objection to Planning inspector against the Homes England appeal against non determination by Bristol City Council
Please make an objection / comment giving your reasons why the Inspector should choose Refusal of homes England’s planning permission application
for detailed guideance on submitting an objection see https://greaterbrislington.org/brislington-meadows-appeal/
Any views must be submitted by 28 November 202211:59pm
you can view other objections and the planning documents from the Bristol Tree Forum Planning portal here https://bristoltrees.space/Planning/application/RA9YU0DN1CN00?
by post:
If you would like to write now or modify or elaborate on any earlier views please write to
The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN
quoting reference number APP/Z0116/W/22/3308537.
please note: 3 copies of any letters must be supplied
Any views must be submitted by 28 November 2022 11:59pm, and the Inspectorate must receive three copies of any letter. The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge representations but will ensure that letters received by the deadline are passed to the Inspector. Such views will be conveyed to both parties to the appeal and may be read out at the Inquiry.
If representations are received after the above date, the Inspector will not normally see them and they will be returned.
Address: The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN
quoting reference number APP/Z0116/W/22/3308537.
What to include in your comment:
your name & address and the date
the application number 22/01878/P
site address Broom Hill/Brislington Meadows Broomhill Road Bristol BS4 4UD
Want to find out more about the History of the Meadows Development
please take a look at this article by the Bristol Post and follow the links for more and more info
Want to Help the campaign to Save Brislington Meadows
Join the Facebook Page and keep an Eye on the Bristol Tree Forum Planning page for updates
– download and print our poster then stick up in your front window or give to local shops or businesses
The latest update in the saga of Brislington Meadows
Brislington Meadows: Government will ask itself if it can build homes there
The saga of the Brislington Meadows takes another twist
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