We are very lucky in Brislington to have so much Green space in the local area with a wide Variety of parks allotments and Nature Reserves all of which support rich and varied Wildlife population

at present 93% of the population is within 400m of a publicly accessible open space.
BS4 Wildlife Facebook group
If you’d like to see and share photos of local wildlife please join our facebook group
guided tree trails https://www.facebook.com/Ten-Amazing-Trees-101084801947958
Bristols postcode Based Wildlife Groups
we recommend the iNaturalist app and website as this lets users participate in citizen science projects and identifies plants and animals from photos. https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/video+tutorials
BS4 iNatualist project records
Local wildlife Organisations
Bristol Natural History Consortiium
First nature – Your Wildlife Window on the World Wide Web
Over 2000 illustrated identification guides to > 720 Wildflower pages; > 820 Fungi pages; > 86 British and European Birds; > 50 native British Trees; > 180 butterflies, moths, mayflies, hoverflies, dragonflies and other Insects; > 55 Fish species; > All of Britain’s native Reptiles and Amphibians; > A large selection of Mammals including many Bats.
NBN Atlas
The NBN Atlas allows users to interrogate species records and download distribution maps https://nbnatlas.org/
A friendly and free community helping to identify wildlife and share nature. https://www.ispotnature.org/
Animals Birds and Insects
Bristol Ornithological Club https://bristolornithologicalclub.co.uk
Avon Birds https://avonbirding.blogspot.com/
Otters – https://bristolottersurvey.wixsite.com/greaterbristolotters/about_us
you Can submit Animal and Bird sightings to BRERC via their reporting site http://recording.brerc.org.uk/ find out more about becoming a recorder here https://www.brerc.org.uk/newrecorder.htm
Bristol Insect Festival https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insect_Festival
please report roadkill and dead animals to https://projectsplatter.co.uk/
report sightings of non native amphibians to https://www.turtletally.co.uk/
Plants and Trees
Did you know that both Wards have more than 20% tree cover https://bristoltrees.space/trees/treecover-map.xq
you can find out a wealth of information about our trees on the Bristol Trees forum https://bristoltreeforum.org/
and its sister site Trees of Bristol
Plants and wild flowers https://plantlife.love-wildflowers.org.uk/
Parks Trails and Green Spaces
find out more about our parks trails and green spaces https://greaterbrislington.org/local-community-information/brislington-parks-trails-and-green-spaces/
Government info about our natural environment
The MAGIC website provides authoritative geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. It is presented in an interactive map which can be explored using various mapping tools that are included. Natural England manages the service under the direction of a Steering Group who represent the MAGIC partnership organisations.
West Of England Nature Recovery Network
GBT on Social Media