Have you ever wondered where your community notice boards are? Wonder no more, they can be found in the following locations:

  • outside Briscycle on Sandy park rd
  • Co-op Broomhill (Open board – need Blu tack or sellotape)
  • Co-op St Anne’s – Inside (Open board – need Blu tack or sellotape)
  • Co-op St Anne’s – Outside (Locked board)
  • Eastwood Farm – Eastwood Rd playground
  • Eastwood Farm – Whitmore Ave entrance
  • Hill Lawn – Entrance to Nightingale Valley (Open board – need push pins)
  • Hungerford Road Community Centre
  • Sainsbury’s (Open board – need push pins)
  • St Anne’s Children’s Centre (Locked board)
  • St Anne’s Church
  • St Anne’s Park
  • St Anne’s Terrace – Entrance to Nightingale Valley (Open board – need push pins)
  • St Peter’s Church (Locked board)
  • Tesco Callington Rd
  • Wick Road Health Centre (Open board – need push pins)
  • Wick Road Library (Open board – need push pins)
  • Victory Park School Rd Entrance

Map of Notice Boards

Apologies if we missed any, email us if you know of another one and we will update the list.

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