We are keen to improve community safety and work closely with our local Police Community Beat Team. At our bi-monthly public meetings, we set Crime Priorities for the Beat team and they in turn report back on their activities and provide crime statistics for Brislington East and West.

Policing team

Your local policing team are there to listen to your concerns and act upon the issues that matter most to you, helping you to feel more confident in your community. https://www.police.uk/avon-and-somerset/BS134/team/

Acting Police Sergeant 2129 Lamb

Police Constable 3261 Thompson

Police Constable 3143 Brady

Police Community Support Officer 8892 Young

Police Community Support Officer 7480 Perkins

Local Crime Statistics

Greater Brislington Together covers 2 council wards and the beat Teams and crime Statistics are arranged by Ward

Brislington East https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/your-area/brislington-east/

Brislington West https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/your-area/brislington-west/

Interactive map shows the worst neighbourhoods for antisocial behaviour – see picture where you live


Brislington Community SpeedWatch

Brislington Community SpeedWatch

Crime Prevention

please see our Crime Prevention page

Reporting Crime / other reporting

It is incredibly important that all crime no matter how trivial is reported without reporting the Police cannot

  • Record Crime
  • Build an Evidence Base
  • accurately measure changes in criminal behaviour
  • Target Resources
  • justify funding

for Burglaries, Violent Crime, Car Crashes and other major incidents

Call 999

for non-emergency incidents

Call 101

or report online via the Avon and Somerset Police web site


or anonymously via the Crimestoppers website


Reprot an Accident if you have video footage https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/report/accident-on-the-road/#/

Raise a speeding concern https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/forms/rsr

You can find out how to report non-crime problems and get help with local issues here https://greaterbrislington.org/reporting-local-issues/

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