What Is a Neighbourhood Plan

Community groups can set up neighbourhood planning forums to write their own policies for an area, which are used with the Local Plan to decide planning applications.

There’s good information on the BCC website about local neighbourhood planning https://www.bristol.gov.uk/planning-and-building-regulations/neighbourhood-planning


Bristol has a volunteer Umbrella group to help neighbourhoods with planning http://www.bristolnpn.net/home/guidance-for-the-community/

The process for making an approved plan is outlined here https://www.bristol.gov.uk/planning-and-building-regulations/make-a-neighbourhood-planning-application

the Neighbourhood Planning Network (NPN) gives good guidance http://www.bristolnpn.net/news-and-reference/how-to-do-your-own-plans/

and here are some existing plans in the Bristol area



Why does Brislington want/need one

A neighbourhood plan helps shape the planning process and can significantly alter the impact and form of future development if implemented well

Currently council wards receive 15% CIL funding raised in the area but this is shared across a local area consisting in our case of 5 Wards so the money isn’t guaranteed to come back to Brislington

With a Neighbourhood plan in place we would receive 25% of this funding and it would be ring fenced to spend inside Brislington , in real terms that means instead of receiving £30,000 last Year we would have received £50,000 with a plan in place

with the likely Future Developments in Brislington the potential increase could be measured in hundreds of thousands of pounds

What are we doing

Our aim is to create a Neighbourhood plan for Brislington

this page explains the process we aim to follow in setting up our plan 


Our plan will need to meet BCC’s requirements for a planning area


we can get help support and funding with this process from BCC and other sources https://mycommunity.org.uk/2018/03/15/new-neighbourhood-planning-programme-changes-to-my-community-everything-you-need-to-know/

we need to form a group of committed individuals from across the community to develop our plan

how do I get involved

We are looking for Volunteers to form a Planning group, if you are interested in getting involved please fill out our Neighbourhood Plan interest form


we will then contact you to arrange an initial meeting to form a planning group

If you want to know more about GBT and how our plan develops please join our mailing list https://greaterbrislington.org/get-involved/subscribe/

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