We are fortunate to have a number of organised groups focusing on wildlife in general and hedgehogs within the Bristol area.

The first of these groups was the BS3 wildlife Group organised by My Wild Bedminster and the follow on groups have copied the Postcode based format as it’s easy to remember and obvious to those without detailed knowledge of Bristol’s local areas.

The areas covered by our Postcode Based Wildlife groups are shaded orange in the map below

Wildlife Reports

BS Postcode Area Reports on Green spaces and wildlife

Butterflies and Moths of Avon Directory. 2023

Make your own contributions to wildlife reporting

We encourage using iNaturalist as a tool for identifying and recording wildlife. Our aim is to create an iNaturalist Project for each Group so folk can see what has been recorded within the group area.

To add records to a local group, just record as normal and the records will automatically appear in the group’s project unless you’ve set them to hidden ( for example if you’re recording a protected species like a great crested newt)

Wildlife Groups

for more information about other wildlife groups in Bristol please see https://bristolwildlifegroups.wordpress.com/
and the Umbrella Bristol Wildlife project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/bristol-postcode-wildlife-projects

Group NameFacebook group/pageiNaturalist projectWebsiteMembership
BS1 (12) BS1&2 Wildlife | Facebook BS1 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist 55
BS2 (12) BS1&2 Wildlife | Facebook BS2 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist
BS3 Wildlife GroupBS3 Wildlife Group | FacebookBS3 Wildlife Group · iNaturalistbs3-wildlife2388
BS4 WildlifeBS4 Wildlife | FacebookBS4 Wildlife Group · iNaturalistBS4 Wildlife – Greater Brislington Together
BS5 Wildlife GroupBS5 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS5 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs5-wildlife974
BS6 Wildlife Group Bs6 Wildlife | Facebook BS6 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs6-wildlife77
BS7 Wildlife Group BS7 Wildlife | Facebook BS7 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist 183
BS8 Bs8 wildlife | Facebook BS8 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist 36
BS9 Wildlife GroupBS9 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS9 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs9-wildlife219
BS10 Wildlife Gro
BS10 Wildlife | Facebook BS10 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs-10wildlife91
BS11 Wildlife Gro
BS11 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS11 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs11-wildlife247
BS12Historic Postcode No longer exists
BS13 Wildlife Gro
BS13 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS13 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs13-wildlife445
BS14 Wildlife Gro
BS14 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS14 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs14-wildlife315
BS15 Wildlife Gro
BS15 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS15 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs15-wildlife131
BS16 Wildlife GroupBS16 Wildlife Group | Facebook BS16 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist bs16-wildlife1491
BS34 Wildlife Group BS34 Wildlife | Facebook BS34 Wildlife · iNaturalist 434
BS37 BS37 Wildlife Group · iNaturalist
Bristol Postcode Wildlife Projects · iNaturalist United Kingdom Total8326

Hedgehog Projects

BS3 Hedgehog Project BS3 Hedgehog Project | Facebook
BS4 Hedgehog ProjectBS4 Hedgehog Project | Facebook
BS8 Hedgehog Project BS8 Hedgehog Project | Facebook
BS13 Hedgehog Project BS13 Hedgehog Project | Facebook
BS16 Hedgehog Project BS16 Hedgehog Project | Facebook

Bristol Hedgehog Projects iNaturalist project  https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/bristol-hedgehog-project

Please also report all hedgehog sightings to the  Big Hedgehog Map

South Bristol Bat Group

We’re a local group of bat enthusiasts located in the BS3, BS4, BS13 and BS14 postcodes!


The objective of the group is to monitor and record bats in the local area and to promote positive bat awareness and conservation.


Bristol and Surrounding Areas Wildlife (BRISAW)

A forum for people in Bristol and the surrounding areas of BANES, South Gloucs, North Somerset, SE Wales (Monmouthshire, Newport, Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan), Gloucs, Wilts and Somerset to swop wildlife records and talk about wildlife in our area only. We are not a campaigning group.

RSPB Bristol Local Group

We’re a local volunteer group celebrating Bristol’s green spaces and supporting the work of the RSPB in our local community. Our events and activities are open to RSPB members and non-members alike; from fully-fledged self-confessed bird nerds, to those just beginning to discover the wildlife in and around the city. You can keep yourself in the loop by signing up for our monthly newsletter, or by following along on social media – feel free to get in touch! https://linktr.ee/rspb_bristol

Add your Group

if you know of a group or project that’s not recorded above or would like to start you own please get in touch using the links below

Wildlife Recording how can I get involved

if you’d like to find out about other wildlife recording opportunities then take a look at our list of projects
or find out about Bristol’s Postcode Based Wildlife groups and iNaturalist projects

GBT on Social Media
Share events and news from GBT