We have been following our friends at https://airapparentuk.wordpress.com/ and their Citizen Science Air Quality project for some time now and we’ve decided to get involved
We’ve already set up our first DIY air quality monitor and are now actively looking for folk who would like to get involved by hosting a sensor and adding to our reporting
the requirements for hosting a sensor is pretty simple you need a Sensor kit a plug near a window so the sensor kit can be hung outside and a wifi network
there are a number of options for setting up the sensor kits
- we supply a prebuilt system and help you install it
- we supply a kit of parts and help you build and install your own sensor
- we supply a kit of parts and instructions so you can build and install your own sensor (we can help with tech support if you get stuck)
Kits cost £30 but our time in helping you get setup is free we may be able to subsidise kits for folk on benefits etc
if you’d like to be involved and can host a sensor please fill out our application form
Air Quality In Brislington
Brislington sits either side of the Main Easterly route into Bristol the A4, we know that this is heavily congested and the traffic isa major cause of air pollution. Also many road users cut through Brislington from the A4 either to the south down Callington Rd towards the A37 or to Arnos Court, the Netham lock, St philips and East Bristol North of the river further adding to traffic pollution In the area.
We also have other sources locally domestic heating open fires and stoves and light industrial output from our local trading estates these all contribute to pollution
you can see the local air quality Map here https://bristol.maps.sensor.community/?nowind#14/51.4399/-2.5581
What is air pollution https://airapparentuk.wordpress.com/air-pollution/
you can see the effects here Live air pollution map of Bristol (view full screen)
and on Bristol Open Data’s air quality Dashboard https://opendata.bristol.gov.uk/pages/air-quality-dashboard-new/statistics#statistics
You can get a good feel for the air quality in your street from this website
also see
School Streets
Air pollution in urban areas has a significant impact on children’s health. However, one initiative to tackle air pollution, carbon emissions, and road danger all in one go is School Streets.
A School Street restricts traffic outside schools at pick-up and drop-off times during term, making it safer and easier for children to walk, scoot and cycle.
This map shows all the schools in Birmingham, Bristol, London, and Leeds, with those that have a School Street marked in blue. The vast majority do not.
Find your local school and click it to send a letter to your councillor calling for this practical measure to reduce children’s exposure to toxic air pollution.
why it matters

Originally known as luftdaten.info, airrohr is the German project on which Air Apparent is based. The project started as a collaboration with the Future City Lab at the University of Stuttgart and has now spread across the globe with over 1,200 active sensors worldwide. You can follow them on Twitter or visit their website.
Live Weather from Windy.com including air quality index
Water Quality
a group of wild swimmers and local residents applying for Designated Bathing Water Status for a beloved stretch of the Bristol Avon at Conham river / Eastwood farm
you can check the quality of water in our local rivers at
is your river fit to play in run by https://www.theriverstrust.org/
water quality at eastwood farm / conham river can be found here
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust
The Bristol Avon Catchment is a unique and beautiful network of rivers, streams and lakes, with the Bristol Avon at its heart. Stretching 75 miles from its source in Wiltshire, to its confluence with the River Severn in Bristol, the River Avon and its tributaries are the lifeblood of the area and they are under constant threat. https://bristolavonriverstrust.org/
Voulenteering https://bristolavonriverstrust.org/get-involved/volunteering/
River Fly monitoring https://bristolavonriverstrust.org/what-we-do/riverfly_monitoring/
WaterBlitz https://bristolavonriverstrust.org/waterblitz/
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) is working hard to protect our rivers for the benefit of people and wildlife.
Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership
The Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership (BACP) comprises a range of organisations, groups, authorities and individuals dedicated to working together to improve the water environment and provide wider benefits for people and nature at a catchment scale – known as a Catchment Based Approach (CaBA).
Coastwatch (surfers against Sewage), EA and BART Water Quality Monitoring
Coastwatch is our online overflow notification system which provides near real-time information of when storm overflows have operated at designated bathing waters and at other water bodies used regularly for recreation.
Designed with input from local councils, Surfers Against Sewage and the Environment Agency, Coastwatch enables us to report on overflows potentially affecting 27 designated bathing waters. A further 21 designated bathing waters are not affected by CSOs and these are clearly identified. Additionally, the system reports on overflows potentially affecting 13 other recreational waters.
The Environment Agency provides warnings of periods of wet weather that may lead to lower water quality at selected bathing waters – find out about current warnings.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust – water quality information
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