Greater Brislington Together help community groups to Apply for  this funding  in the  2018/19 round we were successful in securing £30,000 for  the Brislington Green Trail

GBT will be hosting two meetings to help make funding application in Brislington East and West

  1. 2023 / 2024 Area Committee Funding process:

Outline Area Committee funding process, Stage 1: April to October 2023 

·       Neighbourhood priorities identified, April to May 2023 

·       Stage 1 outline proposals submitted, by end of May 2023 

·       Viability discussions, June and July 2023 

·       Shortlisting of outline proposals, early September 2023 

·       Invitations to submit full stage 2 proposals, by early October 2023 

There was a late May submission date for stage 1 proposals for Area Committee funding (CIL and S106 funds). Outline proposals have been logged and councillors have been sent the full lists of proposals for their Area. The table below sets out how many stage 1 outline proposals were received for each area committee, the funding available for councillors to award to general Area Committee proposals and the amount allocated to neighbourhood plans.

Stage 1 outline proposals received:


144 applications received in total

Area Committee  No. of proposals  Website link £ update  Projected funding for general Area Committee allocations, October 2023  Sum available to allocate to Neighbourhood Development Plan area, October 2023 
AC1  24 AC1 £ – £11,657  £134,114

Lawrence Weston NDP

AC2  3 AC2 £ -£10,000 N/A
AC3  17 AC3 £ £45,000 N/A
AC4  33 AC4 £ £412,638 £357,362

Old Market NDP

AC5  47 AC5 £ £385,000 N/A
AC6  21 AC6 £ -£4,857 £35, 153

Hengrove NDP

Please note:

  • There is a deficit of funding in AC2 this year. Applications will carry over to 2024/25
  • There is also a deficit of funding projected for AC1 and 6.
  • There is a good amount of funding available to allocate in AC4 and AC5 this year.
  • Late stage 1 submissions: If you missed this May / June submission date, talk to your councillor early in 2024, remind them of your idea and look for the updated 24/25 form online.

The next steps in the AC process:

  1. Councillors will be attending advice surgeries with BCC officers in July to discuss stage 1 proposals including viability and cost.
  2. Councillors will be the intermediaries between council services and outline proposers. Stay in touch with your local councillor around your application.
  3. Late July – Mid September is when residents and groups can get involved with prioritising the longer list of stage one proposals and inputting on councillors decisions for shortlists – either for this year, or to be carried over. Contact your councillors to discuss working with them on this community engagement.
  4. The number of Stage 1 proposals to be taken to AC meetings in October and November should be a shortlist bearing in mind funding available in each Area Committee.

More information on the 2023/2024 process here:

Area Committee Funding Process (

A reminder – previously funded Area Committee Projects Updates:

For up-to-date information about past funded projects and how they are getting on  – Visit: Area committee progress updates (

Stage 2: October to November 2023

All projects progressed to Stage 2 will be developed into a full project proposal by the organisations responsible for delivering them.

A full proposal will have information such as how:

  • much the project will cost
  • long the work will take
  • the project meets the CIL and/or S106 criteria
  • you will show it’s worked
  • it will benefit people from disadvantaged groups

Area committee members will then decide if they should approve CIL and S106 funds to a project.

They’ll also decide if they want to put any conditions on how the project is delivered, such as getting the organisation to consult with the community on their improvements.

Below is some more info on Cil and the funding process

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the Section 106 (S106) agreements

As part of the planning  process, a developer often has to give money to the council to pay for improvements in the area that they’re developing in. This is usually through a planning charge called the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) but is sometimes through a planning obligation called a Section 106 agreement.

80% of the money that’s raised is used to pay for city-wide projects improving things like roads and schools.  You can see the city’s priorities for use of this funding in the Regulation 123 list.

15% of CIL funds and 33% of some S106 funds are made available for local decision making by councillors.

Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network have a very good primer on CIL and S106 here

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