Victory Park Active Travel Improvements
Great news, everyone!
After 3 years of campaigning, I am thrilled to announce that a new K barrer is finally getting installed at the entrance to Victory Park from Bonneville Road/ Brislington Trading Estate. This is a significant achievement that will greatly improve the access for all visitors! A huge shout-out to everyone who helped. Your efforts have made this change possible, and now the community can enjoy easier and safer access to the park!
we finally have our new K barrier opening up the path through the park to prams bikes and wheelchair users
Brislington Livable Neigbourhoods along with Greater Brislington Together as applying for a CIL grant to improve the access into Victory Park from bonneville Rd / Brislington Trading estate
The Current swing gate ( orange icon above ) is only just big enough to allow an adult to pass and becomes a significant barrier to families with children, prams, bikes, dogs on leads etc
We are applying for approx £2200 to replace this gate with a K Barrier to improve the access
We are more likely to be granted te funding if we can demonstrate community support so if you would like to support our application please can you fill out our form – Thank you Brislington Livable Neigbourhoods
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