Christmas FAIRY TRAIL at EASTWOOD FARM Nature Reserve

The fairies have come to stay at Eastwood Farm for the holidays. Can you find all the doors to their houses ?

Come and Visit Our Fairy Trail from Saturday 18th December at EASTWOOD FARM Nature Reserve


Inside special trees at Eastwood Farm            

There live some fairies, full of charm,

With painted doors; on each a letter clue

They hope you can find them, they really do!

The fairies have set you a tricky task

We hope you are ready- it’s quite an ask

Take all the letters and move them around

Until a special phrase is found!

(Search in the playground and along the top path behind Wyndham Crescent)

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A Message from Broomhill Coop

Once completed please take your sheet back to Broomhill Coop where you can exchange it for a little treat.

This trail is brought to you by the Friends of Eastwood Farm. They are one of our Local Community Fund Partners and are raising money to make the area even more special, specifically using funds for paint for playground railings, picnic tables and a notice board. We are sure you will agree this will make the new playground a really lovely place for everyone in the community when it is built in the new year. Thank you so much Friends!

Every time you use your Coop card and buy Coop branded products, 2% of what you spend goes to our Local Community Fund partners. To specifically elect for all your points to go to the Friends, or to obtain a Coop card, please visit Thank you for your support, it means a huge amount.

For an extra activity, why not see how many words you can make from the letters you find and write them on the back of this sheet.

Download your worksheet below

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