Here are links and information on a wide range or organisations that provide tree planting opportunities in bristol
One Tree Per Child
Volunteer to help us plant trees or have your say on where we plant trees.
Future Forest network
Guidance on planting opportunities, funding, finding groups and volunteering
7 ways to plant trees in Bristol
If you would like to see Bristol become the greenest city in the UK, here are 7 things you can do to help plant trees.
1) Volunteer to plant trees
Bristol City Council welcomed the One Tree Per Child project, which aims to plant a tree for every primary school pupil in Bristol. They exceeded their initial target and now plan to plant another 24,000 trees by 2020. Schools are excellent focal points for tree-planting – Diana Beresford-Kroeger, the Irish botanist & author, suggests that trees planted in schoolyards provide nutrition for pupils, while also shielding them from UV rays, absorbing pollutants and giving off beneficial aerosols. Products such as timber and fruit could even provide schools with a source of income.
2) Sponsor a tree
Bristol City Council also run an urban tree sponsorship scheme, called TreeBristol, where you can sponsor the planting of a tree with an optional plaque. The scheme plants trees in Bristol’s open spaces, parks, grass verges and streets.
3) Get a tree pack
The Woodland Trust, a UK charity that protects and promotes woodland throughout Britain, offers free tree packs to schools and community organisations as they “want to make sure that everybody in the UK has the chance to plant a tree.” The packs range from wildlife attracting hedgerows or groves to packs for growing wild edible produce or wood for burning or as craft material. They also offer single trees and packs to purchase if you’d like to forest your garden or land.
4) Volunteer with the Forest of Avon Trust
The Forest of Avon Trust plans to re-forest and link up the cities and forests of the former county of Avon. The Trust has recently planted trees alongside Sustrans pathways and offers foraging and forest school certification training. As well as giving your time, you can also dedicate trees and support financially, and the charity also runs training for forest school certification.
5) Volunteer with the Avon Wildlife Trust
The Avon Wildlife Trust has a broader focus on wildlife, such as managing wildflower meadows and other habitats, but the opportunity to plant trees still comes up. Just recently, in nearby Batheaston, the Wildlife Trust assisted in planting a new sustainable orchard.
6) Volunteer with Incredible Edible Bristol
Incredible Edible Bristol has a focus on growing edible plants in urban Bristol, including fruit trees. Dotted throughout their Bristol sites, they have trees ranging from apple to Clementine, producing free food in the city. Incredible Edible’s sites include Quaker’s Burial Ground, outside Temple Meads, the green around St. Mary Redcliffe Cathedral, and they have recently started work on a new city farm site in Hartcliffe.
7) Plant a tree in your own back garden
If you are lucky enough to have access to a garden or land, growing a tree from seed can be surprisingly simple. In autumn, trees will drop their seeds, then they will need cleaning, drying, and propagating through a simulated winter by being put in the fridge. This will make them take root. Fruit trees, be warned, need more technical finesse to bear fruit, and some common trees such as sycamores will grow fast but not live long. Hardy natives such as oak, grown from acorns, can last over a thousand years. For more information on planting trees check out this RHS guide to tree planting.
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Bristol Tree Forum
a voluntary organization dedicated to promoting the planting and preservation of trees in the public spaces of Bristol.for more information on supporting trees in our area
Talking Trees Bristol
Talking Trees Bristol aims to get the city talking about trees and invites you to pledge your support for an ambitious new target to double the city’s canopy cover by 2050.
Urban trees work hard for us. They’re our neighbours. Old friends. They’re at the heart of our community. They add character to our streets, join us on our daily commute and provide a host of benefits for people, wildlife and our urban environment.
But they’re under threat.
We need to work together to protect the trees we have and to plant more for the future. Bristol City Council, Bristol Tree Forum, Forest of Avon Trust and the Woodland Trust are working in partnership on an exciting plan to double the current tree canopy cover.
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If you, your employer or your community group would like to add to what is one of Bristol’s most important urban tree stocks, then you can help us to pay for new tree planting on a Bristol street or in one of its public spaces. The site will need to be one which the Council has approved as suitable for tree planting, however.
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Avon Needs Trees
is a registered charity (No. 1184386) based in Bristol that is buying land in the Bristol-Avon Catchment Area for reforesting.
Planting trees will sequester carbon from the air, enhance biodiversity and provide natural flood management, as well as water and air quality improvement, and more public amenity space.
Beginning its life as an idea thought up by Bristol-based writer and activist on energy and climate change Nikki Jones, ANT now has a board of eight professional and dedicated trustees who bring invaluable experience. In August 2020 we completed our first purchase – 34 acres near Calne, Wiltshire – and we are fundraising for another 19 acres at Seend, near Melksham, to buy in early 2021.
We are supported by The Environment Agency, The Woodland Trust, The Bristol-Avon Rivers Trust, the local Wildlife Trust and the local Friends of the Earth groups, among others
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Bristol Avon Rivers Trust – TREE PLANTING
As an environmental charity BART supports the widespread national interest in trees as a major component in environmental strategy and as a contributor to managing the effects of climate change.
As a river based charity we intend including trees as key component in our work in the following areas:
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Bristol aims to plant 250,000 trees by 2030 in biggest ever campaign
25th November 2019

An ambitious new campaign launched on Wednesday 20th November to encourage Bristol businesses to plant One Tree Per Employee and help to grow a quarter of a million new trees in the city by 2030.
One Tree Per Employee is the first campaign to be delivered under the banner of Replant Bristol, a catalyst group comprising the Forest of Avon Trust, Bristol City Council, the Bristol Tree Forum, and the Woodland Trust, and builds on the success of the One Tree Per Child scheme which has seen 58,000 trees planted since 2014.
The new campaign will contribute towards achieving the target set by the One City Plan of doubling canopy cover by 2046 and kicks off in time for Christmas, with the aim of encouraging Bristol’s businesses to buy trees for the 250,000 employees in the city as Christmas presents.
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Adopt a Tree
How can I sponsor a tree?
You or your community can sponsor a tree that hasn’t been planted yet. This might be for a celebration such as a wedding or a birthday, or for a living memorial – or just because you love trees. The costs of sponsorship is quite small – especially if your community can help:
Finding a tree you can sponsor
- Visit the Council’s PinPoint tree sponsorship map to locate a new tree site you can sponsor.
- View and select any tree icon on the map to find out more and make your decision.
see for more info on sponsorship
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