Welcome to the Friends of Victory Park webpage!
We are a community group dedicated to improving and protecting Victory Park for the benefit of everyone that uses it, children, young people, older people and YOU.
Victory Park is a beautiful park in the heart of Brislington, with a wide variety of facilities, including a playground, football pitches and Brislington juniors Football club, an orchard and lots of Seating. It is used by local residents, dog walkers, runners, footballers, walking groups, local schools, scout groups and people interested in the environment.
We are committed to working with Bristol City Council to ensure that Victory Park is a safe, welcoming and accessible space for everyone. We organize a variety of events and activities in the park, including litter picks, gardening days, and community events. We also provide a voice for local residents on issues affecting the park.
If you would like to get involved with Friends of Victory Park, please visit our Facebook page where you can leave comments to contact us
What we do
- Organize events and activities in the park
- Litter picks and gardening days
- Represent local residents on issues affecting the park
- Work with Bristol City Council to improve the park
- Provide a voice for local residents
How you can help
- like and follow our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/victoryparkbrislington
- Attend our events
- Volunteer your time
- Donate to our cause we are setting up a fundraiser to help us pay for improvements in the park
Why it’s important
Victory Park is a valuable asset to the local community. It provides a place for people to relax, play, and socialize. It is also a haven for wildlife. By working together, we can ensure that Victory Park remains a beautiful and welcoming space for everyone.
Thank you for your support!
Playground Improvements – we are developing plans to improve the playground in the park
Please fill out our survey to give your thoughts on improving our playground
Park Map
this is a more detailed map with locations of amenities etc https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1jodBbBfKBK0LT-pt73R1M_K7dN5LID-1&usp=sharing
you can find out more about our park from the Bristol Tree forum Trees of Bristol Website https://bristoltrees.space/Tree/sitecode/VICTPK and the Trees in the park https://bristoltrees.space/Tree/sitecode/VICTPK/tree
We also have an INaturalist project for the park and surrounding green spaces where you can both make and view reports of the surrounding wildlife https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/victory-park-and-brislington-meadows-snci
Brislington Juniors football Club
use football pitches within victory park see their website for more info https://www.brislingtonjuniors.co.uk/
GBT on Social Media