Greater Brislington Together have 10 Sets of litter picking equipment on long term loan from Bristol Waste Company as Part of the Clean Streets Campaign
Our litter picking equipment consists of
- litter picking sticks
- high visibility tabards
- bags for collecting recycling or waste
- hoops to help keep your bags open
- gloves
- A sharps Bin
- first aid kit
We make these available to local groups and individuals for volunteer litter picks and help publicise the events through social media our events calendar , Can Do Bristol and Litter Action
also we register with Bristol Waste via their email hello@bristolwastecompany.co.uk
We Organise a monthly litter pick – future dates are:
May – Victory Park Sunday 16th May https://www.facebook.com/events/2585565161737108
June – Beech wood – Wootton Rd BS4 4AT Sunday 6th June 10am –https://www.facebook.com/events/738985636766613/?
a record of our previous litter picks can be found here https://greaterbrislington.org/get-involved/litter-picking/litter-picking-records/
Find your nearest bin with the just bin live map
If you would like to book litter pickers for your event or would like help to organise a litter pick please get in touch using our email or facebook links below and we will be only too happy to help
GBT on Social Media